oh Madonna, Up Yours!
I love this video parody my friend sent. Video
On an email list I'm on, a discussion came up where members were trying to pinpoint rap's roots/precursors. Statements were bandied about like: "I like to point out Jefferson Airplane's Plastic Fantastic Lover as an early rap song," "Dylan's Subterranaen homesick Blues is the first rap song," "Isn't Blondie's rapture the first rap song?"
Finally a perspective differing from the traditional love it/hate it, I've read. I don't agree with it whole-heartedly, but I found it interesting.
well, this past month has been focused on john. at his memorial, i wore the "i'm rick james bitch" tshirt he got me under a button up shirt. after his memorial, which was standing room only and spilling out of the hosts house, my family and his went to the golden bear in oakland. we had a drink in his honor.
I recently bought my niece a Bratz doll that also had a "Mystery Date" guy in the package.
Well one month after the day he was diagnosed, our great family friend John Taylor passed away on Thanksgiving morning from cancer. He was a great man and we will miss him terribly.